WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 15/03/06 Paper 2 Sustainable Tourism Strategy Action Plan: Annual Update Prepared by: Heather Galbraith, Sustainable Tourism Officer Purpose: To update the Forum on progress to date on the Action Plan and seek further input prior to the paper being presented to the CNPA Board in May 2006. Background 1. The Sustainable Tourism Strategy contains a commitment to provide regular updates to the ViSIT Forum and CNPA Board on the delivery of the 5 year Action Plan. The first 6 monthly update was presented to the Forum in November 2005, and subsequently, the Board in January 2006. Annual Update to 31st March 2006 2. The annual Action Plan update is at annex 1. This update also includes relevant, quantitative measures of output such as number of attendees on Cairngorms Connections Courses. In future updates, these quantitative measures will supplement the information from the selected set of sustainable tourism indicators which will be used to monitor the performance and impact of tourism with the NP. 3. Information on partner projects that contribute to the delivery of the strategy has been included where available, and Members are encouraged to forward any other relevant detail. 4. Forum Members are invited to highlight and discuss any of the information updates provided. Next steps 5. The Action Plan will be updated to 31st March and any further details of partner’s projects or other comments from the Forum will be incorporated. The Action Plan will then be presented to the CNPA Board at their meeting in May 2006. 6. It is planned to produce a short summary of the annual update to distribute to all tourism businesses within the Park to raise awareness about the ViSIT Forum, the key projects achieved to date and the continuing priorities for the forthcoming 12 months.